Weekend Services
Saturday evening 6:15 p.m.
Sunday morning 8:00am & 10:30am
Discipleship Classes offered (please inquire)
Sunday School Classes for all ages 9:20a.m. – 10:30a.m.
Children’s Church is held at Sunday’s second worship service
Bilingual Service on Sunday’s 10:30 a.m. (Crossbar)
Membership classes offered – inquire with Pastor Randy Nelson
Holiday Service Schedule: Palm Sunday: April 12, 6:15pm, April 13, 8am and 10:30am service. Good Friday Service on April 18 at 7pm: Pastor Randy is preaching at Washington Alliance Church, 2112 Route NJ 57, Washington, NJ. There will not be a Saturday evening service on 4/19 at P.A.C. EASTER: April 20, 6:30am Sunrise Service at our Liberty Road Campus, 300 Liberty Rd. Stewartsville, NJ. Also, our 8am and 10:30am Sunday worship services at our main church location on Lincoln Street.
Snacks and refreshments are available to all who come out!
Communion is every first weekend of the month. (Subject to change)
Corporate Prayer in the Church Sanctuary at 7:00p.m. every 2nd Monday night of the month.
MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST: Meet every 3rd Saturday of the month in the CROSSBAR at 7:30A.M.
The Brotherhood Men’s Ministry meet every last Saturday of the month in the Crossbar at 9:30a.m. featuring food, fellowship, prayer and the hearing of God’s Word. Males 13 years of age and up. Contact Pastor Enrique for more detailed information or questions.
Free Community Breakfast is every first Sunday of the month (May – November) in the Crossbar at 9:15a.m. Free haircuts available to the homeless or anyone dealing with financial hardships.
Tuesday’s Bible Study meet at church each week @ 10:30 a.m.
It meets in the Osmun Rhoads Building (260 Lincoln St.) across from our church.
Ron Bond leads the class.
Men & Women are always invited, especially new people, who are most encouraged to join in!
HEALING SERVICE DATES(subject to change)
Usually every 5th Sunday of the month
7:00 p.m. Sunday
2025 Schedule: March 30, June 29, August 31, November 30
“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
For His love endures forever!” – Psalm 118:1
We are worshipping as a body at our church on Lincoln Street and sometimes at our Liberty Road Alliance Campus for an outdoor service when the weather is nice. We are live streamed & on-line with a full Worship & Praise service. Just type “Phillipsburg Alliance Church” in the YouTube search bar to join in each week at the 8a.m. or 10:30a.m. Sunday services to hear God’s word being preached and proclaimed! Those services are also available to view on the church’s Facebook account.
Our Saturday Evening Worship Service meet each week at our Church on Lincoln Street & the Fellowship time featuring desserts and light refreshments is at 5:30p.m. in Ben Todd Hall with our Worship Service in the Sanctuary following right after, around 6:15p.m.
Our church is open & available throughout the week if you need to contact any of the staff or Pastors. Any church updates will be available via this website, MY Church Cast Notify emails, and usually a text message is sent. The Online giving is available through Giving and the link is found below under the GIVING subheading. You may also mail your tithes and offerings to the church or drop them off in the mail slot located at the side door for your convenience. Our Giving Box is located inside the church sanctuary by the computer station. A final option is to use your banks’ bill/pay system which will not have a cost to you or our church. Contact our Church Treasurer, Debra Ubel at (908)777-1536 if you have questions or need some assistance with it.
An encouraging note for those who might be fretful or fearful at this crazy, unstable time. It is found in the Bible in Matthew 24:6 “Jesus said that difficult days were coming but see to it that you are not alarmed”. None of this has escaped our loving Father’s sight. He will walk with us through this and every other day by holding firmly to our hands.
Alianza Jehova Rehobot Church
Bilingual Service
Pastor Enrique A. Davis
(Meet every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in The Crossbar (285 Grant Street – subject to change)
It is located down the street from the church & to the left directly across from the old Dave Phillips Music & Sound store.
The BILINGUAL SERVICE is on also on YouTube.
Type in Alianza Jehova Rehobot Phillpsburg in the search line .